Health Care
Here, we don’t treat patients like numbers, but family! You’ll always be greeted with a smile, and our warm and friendly team will help you feel right at home at every single appointment. From scheduling to helping you settle into the chair to discussing your payment options, our goal is to make taking care of your teeth as easy as possible, and we’ll provide a level of service and attention you just won’t find anywhere else near you.
Big Gay Smiles Dental is an LGBTQ2IA+ owned practice that prioritizes comfort, quality, and community. We understand the stressors related to going to the dentist and actively work to redefine what it means to provide queer- (and ally-) focused dental care. Big Gay Smiles Dental invests in the patient experience by maintaining the latest in dental technology, which can reduce the number of dental visits needed for crowns or veneers. From laser dentistry to our in-office CEREC machine, Big Gay Smiles Dental is redefining the dental experience.
In addition to investing in the patient experience and our modern facilities, Big Gay Smiles Dental invests in our community. Every year, we donate 10% of yearly revenue to local and national HIV/AIDS non-profits that provide life-saving medicine and ancillary services to our most vulnerable LGBTQ2IA+ brothers and sisters. Big Gay Smiles Dental is committed to investing in our patients and community. Come by and see why so many Big Gay Smiles Dental patients smile with PRIDE™!
Business Phone : 240-842-3944
Business Email :
Business Hours : 9am - 8pm M/W; 9am - 5pm T/Th; 930am-330pm Sat
Discounts for Chamber Members : 50% off zoom dental whitenings!
$100 off new patient exams and cleanings. *for those without dental insurance.
Diamond Membership