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Expand Your LGBTQ+ Network

The Equality Chamber of Commerce DC Metro Area (ECCDC)
serves as a vital nonprofit and nonpartisan network for hundreds of
queer and allied businesses in the DC area, reaching about 5,000
individuals through various initiatives

Mac Ninjas


IT Services & Technology

Silver Membership $400 +


We teach people how to get the most from their Apple technology: iPhone, iPad and Mac. The best clients for me are people over 35 who have problems with their technology and just want things to work correctly. Most people come to us because of an unending spinning ball, inability to send email, photos problems, iPhone and Mac not in sync, family getting each other’s text messages, devices out of memory and stuck.

Additional Info

Business Phone : (703) 508-6779

Business Email :

Membership Type

Silver Membership $400 +


Brian Cohen
iProduct Expert

IT Services & TechnologyIT Services & Technology
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